Mildew is one of those unpleasant annoyances that plagues almost every homeowner at some point. And the high humidity of Orlando only makes the problem more common for local residents.

But while mildew may be unsightly and annoying, it doesn’t have to be a big deal. With a little bit of know-how, you can keep your home free of this issue. 

Removing mildew shouldn’t be difficult or expensive. In fact, some common household products can help you easily tackle the job.

Recognizing the Difference Between Mold and Mildew

Both mildew and mold thrive in dark, damp areas. However, they are distinctly different.

When you see what looks like a chalky, white or gray powder, that’s mildew. Mold, on the other hand, usually appears fuzzy and can come in all kinds of colors, including black, blue or green.

Mold is generally considered much more dangerous and removing it should be handled by professionals.

While Flacare Services is always available to help you with either your mold or mildew problem, below are some do-it-yourself tips for controlling mildew on your own.

How To Kill Mildew

The most effective household product for controlling mildew is white vinegar. This miracle liquid is 90 percent effective in killing mildew. Follow these five simple steps:

  1. Soak a rag in white vinegar.
  2. Take the rag and scrub the mildewed area.
  3. Let the mildew soak in the white vinegar for two to three hours.
  4. Continue scrubbing until all of the mildew has been removed.
  5. Rinse the area with clean water and let it dry.

How To Prevent Mildew

Remember, mildew does well in dark, damp places. So, to prevent it, you need to dry the area out and provide more light.

When the weather allows, open windows to provide more airflow. Fans can also help to cycle air and prevent stagnation.

In areas like a basement, consider running a dehumidifier to keep the area dry.

When in Doubt, Call the Pros at Flacare

Preventing and removing mildew is important for a clean, healthy home. And while the job is relatively easy, not everybody has the time to deal with this nuisance. That’s where Flacare Services can help.

To have the job done right and to properly protect your home, call Flacare Services. Our prices are always competitive, and all of our technicians are background checked. Our service is professional, reliable and will keep your home looking its best.

Contact us to learn more.