The thing about leather is that the wear and tear really shows. It’s a great material and very durable, but if you don’t care for it properly, it can become something of an eyesore.

Leather is a great investment and one that can add sophistication to your home or business for years. But proper maintenance is key. And cleaning products from the grocery store are generally not going to cut it. In fact, they may break down leather finishes, leading to dryness, cracking and fading.

FLACARE’s professional technicians know the exact products and methods that will keep your leather furniture looking new. We can often even restore the natural gloss, vitality and shine in leather. Working with an Orlando professional leather care expert can help you make the most of your investment.

Caring for Different Leather Finishes

Did you know that not all leather should be treated and cleaned the same way? Leather is finished in many different ways. And the type of leather furniture that you have wll determine the best plan to care for it.

To determine your type of leather, take a damp washcloth and rub it in a concealed area on your leather furniture. 

If the water does not soak into the leather, you have finished leather that is less likely to take on stains. A very mild soap often works best to clean this type of leather. But stay away from detergents or saddle soaps, which will dry out and stiffen the leather.

If the water soaks in or darkens the leather, you have unfinished or semi-finished leather. This material is softer but stains easily. Spills can soak in, making it very hard to clean. A leather care professional like FLACARE Services can clean the area appropriately and may be able to recolor when necessary.

Some Tips for Removing Leather Stains

In a jam, here are a couple common stain types and tips to remove them along with what not to do.

Oil Stains

Try adding cornstarch to the area where the oil spilled. After the cornstarch dries, remove and repeat as necessary. This will absorb the oil and lessen the stain. Any remaining oil may diminish over time.

Ink Marks

When it comes to cleaning ink off leather, there are a couple of options to try. You can use a soft eraser, or if you can get to it before the ink dries, try a mild soap on a Qtip. Once the ink is dry, it will be difficult to remove without also removing the color of the leather.

Don’t Use Oil- Or Silicone-Based Cleaners

When your leather is tanned, it is oiled. It cannot be re-oiled. When you use an oil- or silicone-based cleaner, you run the risk of stripping the original oil.

Avoid Sun and Heat

Too much sunshine or heat will cause your leather’s color to fade, and the surface will dry out.

When in Doubt, Call the Pros

To have the job done right and to properly protect your leather investment, call FLACARE Services. Our prices are always competitive, and all of our technicians are background checked. Our service is professional, reliable and will help you keep your home or business looking its best.Contact FLACARE to learn more.